rapidjson number keys

Mar 18, 2024

I recently realized that it seemed that rapidjson had issues with serializing a python dict with numbers in its keys:

>>> import rapidjson as rj
>>> import json 
>>> a = {1:"cat"}
>>> json.dumps(a)
'{"1": "cat"}'
>>> rj.dumps(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: {1: 'cat'} is not JSON serializable

The python std json could handle it fine. I asked on the rapidjson github page if this was expected, and it was. There is a workaround for this though:

>>> rj.dumps(a, mapping_mode=rj.MM_COERCE_KEYS_TO_STRINGS)

rapidjson is my go to replacement library for json stuff in python since it’s (usually) almost totally drop-in and ready. Just have to put include rapidjson as jsonand you’re good to know. Looks like there can be some edge cases such as this. Hope this helps, God bless!

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