GitUI push issue

Mar 1, 2024

I’ve been using GitUI as my git user interface and have been pretty happy with it overall! One issue though is that it would seem to randomly not be able to push to my remotes, giving the error of ‘bad credentials’, causing me to regenerate my github token, which wouldn’t fix the issue. The workaround for this issue apparently for macOS is to run the command ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa. I remember doing something like this before and fixing it, but apparently you have to regularly run this command for whatever reason to keep it working normally. More information about the actual cause of the issue can be found in this github issue.

Anyways I threw this on a crontab and it seems to be working fine as of now! I’ll try and check back in on that github issue thread to see if the root cause has been fixed, but doesn’t seem like a big deal either way.

Also this brings up the point of what Github UI to use. Many people recommend lazygit and before trying them out I coudln’t really find any info on why someone would prefer one or the other. But after demoing them a bit for a while I figured out some issues as to why I prefer GitUI over lazygit. When you stage a file for a commit in GitUI, the file moves from the top pane to the bottom pane, so it’s really easy to see what has been staged and what hasn’t. With lazygit, it’s all in one small pane on the screen, and you often have to scroll to see what has been staged and what hasn’t. It doesn’t seem to show you at a glance all of the staged files and unstaged files are. It also has a perpetual donate button on the screen which is kind of annoying.

lazyvim - scrolled

Hope that helps if someone is trying to decide between Gitui and lazyvim. God bless!

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