iOS home indicator bar color

Nov 27, 2023

Adding .defersSystemGestures(on: .bottom) dims the iOS home indicator

There wasn’t a whole lot of information about this specific behavior - I discovered it by accident. The best write up I could find on the matter of the color of the iOS home indicator is this article which goes into detail about what causes the color to change, and how the simulator home indicator color isn’t the same on the device, and this stack overflow post.

Adding deferedSystemsGestures seems to be the only feasible way to manipulate the color of the home indicator. The side effect is that you have to swipe twice to actually hit home, but in my case that wasn’t a big deal. Also adding prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden ends up being awful for certain use cases like mine - a night mode pdf reader - because every time you scroll it causes the home indicator to reappear and disappear.

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